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We love a good earworm!

Wanna know our most thought about song? We don’t mean as a human collective. We mean as a Peachy or a Boo (or a Peachy-Boo)! Our top...

Dino Maru and the Boxes

You know those times when you’re looking for the perfect words? There is something coming up, and you have to say words at the thing,...

Peachy-Boo takes a Tropical Hiatus

Over the years of their friendship, Peachy has learned that when Boo asks her to do something, it's best she says, "Yes!" She doesn't...

Peachy & Boo go to Salt Spring Island

Have you ever been on a quest? A noble adventure for a worthwhile cause? Only to find that you can’t actually locate what it is you’re...

Dino Suit Unboxing Surprise

“One day I’m just going to show up at your house with two dino suits,” Boo said to Peachy about a year ago. A couple months later at a...

Behind the Scene with Peachy-Boo

Come watch some of the many behind the scenes, unprompted, can't-make-this-stuff-up, hilarious moments (like getting stuck in a bottle...

Coombs FUN!

In this episode you will find: Us rocking the fake mics with our fantastic car karaoke skills The simple tool you need to open your third...

And around and around we go...

Sometimes you can plan fun. And sometimes you can’t. You know those spontaneous things that just make you laugh? And laugh? And laugh?...

Small Arms make for Hard Camping

You've pitched a tent before, right? Hehem. We're not talking dirty here folks. Come back to us. We're talking about camping. It's not...

Epic Day of Child-like FUN

Ever wonder what it would be like to just play all day long? As an adult? Well... leave it to Peachy-Boo to run that exact experiment on...

3 Ways to Hydrate

Picture this..... It's a hot day on Vancouver Island and people all over suburbia have been locking their gates so the local dino...

It always starts with Vocabulary!

Remember back in school when you'd start a new unit in social studies and you'd always start with vocabulary? Before you really dove into...

First Photo!

Who knew that you could find your bestie-soulmate through an online business course. Well we didn't, but we DID.

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